Monday, February 20, 2012

Web Conference

I attended one of the first web conferences during the course. I really like that there is a place for us to meet each week to ask quesitons and to hear our leaders talk, but I found it hard to follow with people asking questions and typing. I felt like I was constantly playing catch up between what people were saying and typing. I feel like in the future it would be helpful if everyone could talk or if everyone could type. Also, amybe if we had smaller groups and if everyone had the same degree plan it might flow better. Overall, I feel that the idea is wonderful, but it might need more planning or organization.

Reflections week 5

With the title, “Instructional Leadership”, I had the impression that we would be taught the traits to become those leaders on our campuses, now and in the future. After reviewing the goals and objectives of the course, I soon realized this was going to be a course with technology. Going into this course, I knew I had a lot to learn about technology. I had hoped I would learn how to help teachers like myself, incorporate technology into the classroom. I can honestly say I was somewhat disappointed. I do not feel that I developed the skills to refer myself as an “Instructional Leader”. There was some great information that I found valuable and able to take with me, such as the blogs. I had never “blogged” before, but can see the benefits of it and the transition of its use in the classroom. After all, if this non-technology-skilled person can do it, anyone can do it!

Due to the fact that what I thought the course would be about was not, it is difficult for me to say that my outcomes were achieved. My initial opinion did not match the final product. I believe that I could help my campus with its technology goals. The STaR chart analysis, Technology Long Range Plan, and AEIS are all factors that need to be considered by the committees to better the education for the students of such a technology driven society. It also helps administrators know where staff development needs to focused and assist the staff with the implementation of it in the classroom settings. Technology is an on- going learning experience and one that teachers and administrators must embrace with an open mind and positive attitudes.

Since this course was so technology driven, I do not feel I am walking away a technology leader. I have little background in the technology field. I am under the assumption that I should have had a better foundation in order to take more out of this class. The lack of previous knowledge hindered me to fully understand some concepts on my own. This can be expected however with an online course. The lack of communication or not having someone to assist you makes tasks a little more difficult.

The course assignments were carried out fully. I was able to create a blog, organizational chart, and power point and posted them to my blog. That was a new concept for me and one that can be carried out in the classroom. I enjoyed learning this because it is something that can be used in my day to day life as a teacher and also in the future as an administrator. The discussion board assignments were very repetitive. The readings seemed to be very similar to each other. The requirement of quoting each article and giving our opinion was not difficult. I did not think it was necessary for us to respond to two other comments of the same article. That seemed too much and nothing more than busy work. I would not have asked that of my students and do not feel it necessary it reach the learning goals and objectives. It was tedious and lacked purpose. It also took up too much room on the discussion board and made it difficult to read. The boards became too busy and inadequate. When the assignments had so many parts to them to be completed, I could not see the justification of the excessive discussions.

From this, I learned how discouraging it is to a student to be overwhelmed by requirements that are not necessary. I will definitely think twice before requiring some busy work to my students. I knew going in to this that my technology skills were lacking. When I realized this was more on technology than instructional leadership, I was a little frightened. The first week’s assignments were challenging, however I appreciated the extra week to get it completed. As with anything, the more you practice the easier the task becomes. I feel comfortable enough to incorporate some of the tasks such as blogging into my classroom. As much as I enjoyed learning and extending my technology knowledge, as I stated before, I was discouraged with the repetitiveness of the discussion board responses. I would hope that this can be looked at and revamped for future classes. It was also difficult and very frustrating at times because changes kept being made to requirements and due dates. I did not feel that all students, academic coachers, and professors were on the same page. It was lacking organization at times throughout the class. I hope the kinks can be worked out for future students as well.

Learning to blog was my favorite part of the course. I had heard of it, but never seen it or participated in one. This is becoming a great communication tool for the 21st century. I can envision its use as both a teacher and administrator. Students can create their own and discuss homework, readings, study, or anything pertaining to their education. Proper internet use and etiquette must be taught and the students must know there is a no tolerance rule for inappropriate behavior. Hopefully, the students will comply and be mature enough to engage in such activities.

As our technology changes, so does the way we must approach education. Technology is a new communication tool for teachers, administrators, and parents. However, caution must be taken when using it. Whether it is email or blogs, careful consideration must be given to how you say certain things or answer questions. Because it is being done electronically, there is no emotion for the other party to see. Things can be taken out of context, read incorrectly, or even changed without the others permission or knowledge. As with life, there are benefits to technology as well as consequences. That is why proper education must be given on the proper use of these tools. School stakeholders can participate in blogging. Administrators can communicate district news and policies. Teachers can communicate news from their classroom, homework help, have discussions, and post examples of works. Parents can use it to keep in the loop with their students’ education and to communicate with the teachers and administrators. A great advantage to the ever changing world we live in today!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 4: Action Plan

Professional Development Plan
“Teachers and Technology”
I believe that our number one priority regarding professional development and technology on our campus would be to educate our teachers, administrators, and staff on the various technology resources and tools as well as ways to utilize them each day.
 I would start with questions like:
o What types of technology do you use as a teacher to improve your curriculum and instruction?
o How can you effectively use technology in your classroom?
o Do you want to learn how to integrate technology into your classroom to improve student engagement and achievement?
 I would hope that our teachers and staff would like to learn about ways in which technology could be beneficial to both them and our students.
 I would then have our technology director explain the STaR chart and our current classifications in each key area.
o Highlighting areas of strength and targeting areas of weakness that need improvement throughout our campus.
 I would also like for our technology director to explain how the technology department uses this information to assess the needs of the campus/district in regards to technology and how the STaR chart can benefit each teacher on campus.
o By using this time to explain and understand the STaR chart I believe that teachers would be more likely to utilize this tool in assessing their individual needs and our campus’ needs.
 According to this year’s STaR chart we had the following classifications in each area:
o Teaching and Learning - Advanced
o Educator Preparation & Development - Developing
o Leadership, Administration, & Instructional Support - Advanced
o Infrastructure for Technology – Advanced
 After reviewing this data I would point of that our greatest weakness was in the area of Educator Preparation & Development, which is what the focus of our professional development would be, to improve in this area.
 Ways in which I feel we can improve are as follows:
o Each teacher will develop and maintain a Web page for their course. This Web page would serve as a resource for all students and parents.
o The content should include but not be limited to - course syllabus/requirements, course outline, lectures, assessment tools (reviews/study guides), STAAR/benchmark test preparation materials, and a link to our online grade book.
- I would not want to control the use of these websites in each class but would like to see the material outlined on the Web page utilized throughout the course. (ex. study guides or lectures that are downloaded or complete online)
o This resource would allow students to interact with course materials while integrating the use of technology into each teacher’s curriculum and instruction.
o In addition to the use of Teacher Web Pages, I would also like for teachers to use blogs within their curriculum.
- Tools such as these could be used as study resources, discussion groups, or in other ways that are beneficial to the teacher or class.
o Essentially teachers would be creating an online learning environment in which teachers and students can interact to promote learning and achievement.
 The development and maintenance of Teacher Web Pages would be an ongoing endeavor that would require a great deal of work on behalf of the teacher.
 I would encourage all teachers to begin developing the Web pages on their own or with the help of others or the technology department only when necessary.
 The technology department would provide an outline or guide for instructions for teachers that may initially need assistance.
 Hopefully all teachers will have a Web page up and running within two weeks from the professional development session.

Evaluation Plan
“Teachers and Technology”
 I know that this process will take a great deal of effort to develop and maintain but I believe that our teachers and staff will be able to accommodate these demands.
 The evaluation process would begin with each Assistant Principal reviewing all teachers within their particular grade levels Web pages.
o They would evaluate these pages to insure that they have met the outlined requirements detailed during our professional development session.
o Each teachers Web page should include the following course syllabus/requirements, course outline, lectures, assessment tools (reviews/study guides),TAKS/benchmark test preparation materials, and a link to our online grade book.
- If a teacher has not met all requirements they will be asked to update their Web pages with the proper materials.
- If there continues to be a problem with a teacher not meeting the necessary requirements then they will be asked to meet with the Associate Principal for Curriculum and Instruction and the Instructional Technology Coordinator to address the reasons why they have not completed their Web page.
- All teachers need to understand the importance of their Web Pages as a resource for their students and their parents.
 In addition to these evaluations I would have each Teacher distribute surveys to all of their students that address the ways in which they used their teacher’s Web page throughout the course.
o It is my hope and belief that these Web pages would have been utilized as a learning tool for students and also would have improved student achievement.
 If possible I would also like to survey any parents or stakeholders that accessed these teacher Web Pages and hear any feedback from their experiences.
 I would also like teachers to provide both the Associate Principal for Curriculum and Instruction and the Instructional Technology Coordinator with ways these Web pages benefited their instruction and curriculum.
 I would also like all teachers to provide new ways and new types of technology that they plan to use in the future.
 I would also encourage teachers to properly complete the STaR chart every year and would like to get any feedback they may have to improve our use of technology as a campus.
 I know that evaluating and assessing this type of technology use seems fairly simple, but it is my belief that this is a way for teachers to begin integrating technology into their classrooms and as technology advances hopefully so does our use of these resources in education.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Texas STaR Chart Presentation

Week 2, Part 3

The four key areas, of the Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology 20012-2020, are Teaching and Learning, Educator Preparation and Development, Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support, and Infrastructure for Technology. The area of greater need on my campus is Educator Preparation and Development.

In order for our educators to make the vision a success and raise ratings, they must be devoted to making change. Devotion also needs to come from higher up: campus administration, district officials, and state education representatives. Teachers must be open to the change and embrace all new concepts given to them. Campus leaders need to guarantee proper training and implementation time for teachers to be comfortable with using the new trades. District and state should allow the funding necessary to ensure teachers, campuses, students, etc. have what is necessary to be successful.

Devotion also needs to come in terms of time. Changes can not be made over night, and understanding of this is necessary. Staff need to come together and help those that need "tutoring" to bring their skills up. Collaboration is key so the campus/districts know that their students will benefit from all the assets given.

Education is never ending...we are life long learners. We want our students to leave with this belief as well. What better way than leading by example. Encourage teachers to take what they learn and use it in the classroom. Use the classroom as your learning area. Students will excitedly teach their teachers something new. I know mine do all the time. I am always asking for someone's help! This builds their confidence and self esteem as well.

Since this is an area of need across the state, I would like to see educators building on each other's experiences and administration alloting time to do so. This can and will better everyone's future.